Monday, July 6, 2015

From Finlandia with Love

Kiitos, gracias and THANK YOU to Jelena Leppänen and Aino Huotari!  After two visits to Lobitos, Jelena and Aino have formed a special bond with this beautiful community and the people who live here.  During their most recent trip, they were shooting footage for a documentary about a local surfer.  Before visiting, they collected toys and school supplies which they brought with them to Lobitos.

As part of their fundraising campaign for THE MARCO POLO DOCUMENTARY, Aino and Jelena also raised €540 for Libros a Lobitos!  Thank you girls for your continued support of educational initiatives in Lobitos, Peru.  We are so grateful and can't wait until your next visit!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Welcome to the team, Mariajose!

¡Mil gracias a Mariajose Coronado por formar parte de nuestro equipo de Marketing en redes sociales!  Mariajose está estudiando administración y marketing en Universidad ESAN.  Después de visitarnos en Biblioteca Lobitos y hacer un voluntariado con nosotros, se ha agregado a nuestro equipo.  ¡Chequean el nuevo video que hizo sobre Libros a Lobitos!

Thanks so much to Mariajose Coronado, the newest part of our Social Media and marketing team!  Mariajose is an administration and marketing student from Universidad ESAN and we are so happy to have her working with us to further educational initiatives in Lobitos. ¡Gracias Mariajose!